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2012 Sophomore Reading Challenge

Shanyn @ Chick Loves Lit had a great idea to start a Sophomore Reading Challenge - as a sort of companion (spin off?) to the Debut Author Challenge that Kristi hosts. I thought this was brilliant and a pretty easy challenge for me to join because if I liked your first book I am going to get your second one!There is a helpful Goodreads list for second books by YA/MG authors that are due to publish in 2012, which I used as my guide to select which books I want to read next year. Most are already on my radar because they are sequels to books I have already read, though some are just a second book by a former debut author. I'm very excited for all of the books I chose to come out! Now I have a handy guide to keep track of them all!The goal is to read 10 sophomore YA/MG titles between January 1 and December 31, 2012. This is the list I have put together so far!(in order of montb of publication - those without a month are at the end)

  1. Truth (XVI, #2) - Julia Karr (Jan 19) - review
  2. The Wood Queen (Iron Witch, #2) - Karen Mahoney (Feb 8 )
  3. Wings of the Wicked (Angelfire, #2)  - Courtney Allison Moulton (Feb 14)
  4. Fever (The Chemical Garden, #2) - Lauren DeStefano (Feb 21) - review
  5. Insurgent (Divergent, #2) - Veronica Roth (May 28)
  6. Dreamless (Starcrossed, #2) - Josephine Angelini (May 29)
  7. Crown of Embers (Fire and Thorns, #2) - Rae Carson (Oct 18)
  8. Demon Eyes (Witch Eyes, #2) - Scott Tracy
  9. Untitled (Mara Dyer, #2) - Michelle Hodkin
  10. The Torn Wing (Faerie Ring, #2) - Kiki Hamilton
  11. Perception (Clarity, #2) - Kim Harrington - review
  12. Hallowed (Unearthly, #2) - Cynthia Hand - review

All links go to Goodreads. Reviews will be linked as they go up!There are of course many other sequels on this list that I would like to read, though I have not yet read the first books. If I end up reading first books I will add sophomore novels as the year progresses. :)So much great reading to look forward to in 2012!! Can't wait!