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5 Questions: author Catherine McKenzie (Spin)

Internet! You must, must, MUST go out and read Spin by Catherine McKenzie! Not only would you be supporting both a Montreal and Canadian author, you will also be treated one one heck of a story that will make you laugh and tear up and laugh some more. For more of my gushing about Spin please follow this link! Meanwhile, I managed to get Catherine to agree to participate in my very rare 5 Questions interviews that I reserve for only those books and authors that I am desperate to tell you all about!Without further ado, my tiny little interview with Catherine McKenzie!____________________________________________________________1. First question, the unoriginal and unexciting, how did you come up for the idea for Spin? The story was refreshingly original, so of course I have to ask this! ;)Thanks! The short answer is the idea came to me at a time when several celebrities were going in and out of rehab and the press was in a frenzy. They were all trying to get shots of celebrities in rehab etc. and I thought to myself: why don't they just follow them in there? And then I thought: now there's an idea for a book!2. Are you just as obsessed about music as Katie is? (Side note: I happen to have a lot of the same musical tastes! Once Katie quoted from The Wallflower's "One Headlight" I decided I need to be her best friend. I often feel like I'm the only one who still remembers that song!)In a word: yes. Katie's musical tastes are my own. And I love, love, love that song! Big fan of Jakob Dylan's (and Bob).3. Did you ever find it difficult to juggle both the lawyer and writer hats during your career?The fact that I am still working as a lawyer and someone from my firm might read this prevents me from answering this question :) Seriously, it can be a lot to handle sometimes, but you make time for the things you love.4. Name your favourite music artist or band and convince us why we should give them a listen. ;)I can't pick just one! But two that I would encourage you to listen to are Matt Nathanson (start with his live album - Live at the Point) because he is crazy talented AND hilarious. I saw him in a tiny little venue in Montreal and he took requests. The show was awesome. A newer discovery is MoZella - her album Belle Isle is just amazing. I wrote my third book to that album & still turn to it for inspiration.5. What is your favourite Montreal "staple" food? (Poutine? Steamy hot dogs? Smoked meat? And so on?)Poutine, hands down! But then I almost always immediately regret eating it. Also, our bagels and the best in the world!! (Sorry NYC, but it's true.)___________________________________________________________A warm and huge thank you to Catherine for playing along as I fangirled all over her on Twitter!If you want to find out more about Catherine and sneak a look at what other books she's got on the burner, check out her website!Spin hits shelves in the US next week - February 7, 2012. I recommend it highly!