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BBAW - Interview with Brenna from Literati Biscotti

Welcome to Day 2 of Book Blogger Appreciation Week! Although I did not make the short list after being nominated, there are so many amazing other blogs out there that did! I hope you went out and voted for your faves - even if you aren't familiar with all the categories or blogs, you'll have had an amazing opportunity to discover so many new blogs (like I did - because I have all the time in the world to read a bunch of new blogs! Ahh!).Today, September 15, is Interview Swap day! My interview partner was Brenna from Literati Biscotti, and her blog was a fun new discovery for me! Brenna doesn't just blog about books, but about life as well. There are some interesting posts on her blog.

1. What made you decide to add the Book Blogging element to your blog?I had just finished my master's degree and I realized I had *so* much more time and that I could choose all the books myself. I had started and restarted blogs about school and about being a mom, but I decided the most comfortable way for me was to write about everything, and for me, everything includes books.2. As I was reading through your blog I realized you had quite a range of tastes in all sorts of areas. Does this translate into the types of books you love as well?Possibly. There are genres that I tend to avoid, like biography and romance novels, but I do love poetry, fiction and memoirs. I read other nonfiction too, but it generally relates to the things I mention on my page, like beauty products, motherhood, food, and China.3. Do you have a favourite genre of book?Poetry.4. Name two books from your childhood that had an impact on you.I loved The Monster at the End of this Book. In the story, Grover keeps telling the reader not to turn the page. He tries to bind the pages together with rope and seal them off with bricks. It was funny to me. I also liked Free to Be a Family because it had songs and poems and lots of things to look at.5. Oh, I LOVED The Monster at the End of This Book! Poor Grover, such an anxious little monster... Are you the type of person to buy *and use* cookbooks? Or are you like me, you buy a cookbook and then it sits on a shelf forever. Heh.Oh my dear, I do not even buy them. You're still way ahead of me. At least you think about cooking. I am not a good cook, but I am a good eater. When I read books about food they are usually the ones that tell you how to best support the local economy (like Animal, Vegetable, Miracle) and eat healthily (like Skinny Bitch).6. What's the best part about blogging for you?It gives me a way to write down what I am thinking. And people seem to be more accepting of randomness online than of randomness in the real world.7. What's the worst part of blogging for you? Or is there one?Well I am very new at blogging. I wish I knew how many people stopped by and what they are interested in. I wish I could meet some of the readers and chat over coffee. Maybe we liked some of the same books!

Literati Biscotti

Mom blog. Book blog. Beauty blog. Writing blog. Shopping blog. Health blog. In short, a woman's blog. Chew on this...

Thanks for the interview, Brenna! And I hope everyone enjoyed our swap for BBAW!