Beyond Elsewhere

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birthday dinners and family

Tomorrow my little sister turns 30. I have more of a problem with this than when I turned 30 myself. It didn't bother me then, I didn't feel old. Something about my sister being 30 however makes me feel OLD. She's always been my LITTLE sister and always been the one I didn't like.(That says Happy Birthday Debbie on it, just hard to photograph...)I made pasta and a birthday brownie for dessert. I had my sister, her husband, their daughter and my grandmother over for dinner. My parents are down in Florida visiting my Uncle and his wife. I couldn't let my sister's 30th birthday go uncelebrated!It's taken forever (well, 30 years almost) but we're finally getting along. I finally don't hate my sister. We really never got along, and though that's sad, it's just that we're completely different people. Day and Night. She's light and I'm dark. Polar opposites. Just because you're related doesn't mean you have to get along and be alike.But the last couple of years, pretty much since my niece arrived on the scene, we've made amends of a sort. We always did have our moments of conspiracy (against our parents) and our moment of fun and giggles (TAI-CHI!) but the rest of the time was a violent, never-ending storm. I am glad the storm as calmed and the sun is now breaking through. I would have been thrilled to have been an only child (due to my preference to spend most of my time ALONE) but I can finally say I am glad to have a sister. It's a good thing.Especially one with such awesome knitting skills! Check out the hat she made me for my birthday -It's double-knit and that's not the best part...It's reversible!!Oh, and here's the front of the card from my niece to go with my photo of the day below:It was a fun night and my (almost) 29-month old niece never ceases to amaze us with her ability to form intelligent sentences and thoughts. And she's generally really easy to understand when she speaks - unless she's really excited and then it all tries to come out at the same time. ;) My favourite line of the night was when my sister told Lilly to tell us what she had for lunch the day before and Lilly thought about it and then said "I can't tell them." Shawn thought it might have been Top Secret, but that's just the way Lilly says "I don't remember" or "I don't know". It was very funny and cute. Lilly LOOOOOOOVES Unca Shawn. He's much more important than I am and told him MANY times tonight that he was bald and he shaves his head.Also, in the car on the way over Lilly told her parents that Shawn and I should have a little girl. Debbie told her we had dogs and that was all we wanted and so Lilly thought about it and said it was ok - for now. Ha!