
Blackwatch (Wintercraft, #2)by Jenna Burtenshaw

Kate has escaped the clutches of the High Council and Silas has left Albion for the continent. But their lives are forever linked and as the veil weakens, causing Albion's skilled to fear for everyone's safety, Silas and Kate find themselves drawn together by the mysterious and corrupt Dalliah Grey. (

Well, golly! I liked this book even more than Wintercraft. I have a serious love of Silas Dane and I am happy that this book had much more of him between the pages. (That sounds so wrong when I write it out though...)Blackwatch had action and adventure and a lot of hiding from creepy soldier people. It had humour and sadness and engaging dialogue. There was just so much that was enjoyable in this book.I will say that this second book felt much less like YA fantasy and more like High Fantasy, I think because a lot of it focused on Silas and he's certainly not a teenager. I gobbled this book up so fast I wish it had been a little longer because I was completely stunned when it was over and I still needed more!The one qualm I have about the story is that when the description of what Kate sees in the veil or about the veil itself happens I tend to phase out. I am not a big description-oriented person when I read. I like the dialogue. The description is so well, er,  descripted that my eyes would glaze over and I'd have to force myself to re-read certain paragraphs because I was missing things. This is a totally personal thing though, I have never been one for long descriptions. (Hi, Lord of the Rings? I'm talking to you. This is the reason I could never get through book 1!)When I got to the final page in Blackwatch I exclaimed, "But March 2012 is SO BLOODY FAR AWAY!" If you read this I think you might have the same reaction. Make your decision wisely, my reading friends. Decide whether or not to rush out and get this book NOW because it just came out or wait a little longer in the year so your wait for book 3 isn't as epic as mine will be.I am under the impression that Jenna is still working on the third book. Luckily I think I have her convinced to hand deliver it to my house once she's done. I think that's how our conversation on twitter ended. I'm almost positive. ;)Wintercraft

  1. Wintercraft
  2. Blackwatch
  3. Legacy

The Summer of Shambles (Ondine)


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