blogust the ninth: 10 song shuffle
Day 9: Put your iPod on shuffle, list the first 10 songs that pop up & share why you have them in your music library.
1. Pray Your Gods - Toad the Wet Sprocket (Fear)
I bought this CD at a used bookstore in Plattsburgh, NY a million years ago. It's the only TtWS album I really loved. It's been a part of music library as long as I can remember. It makes me miss the 90s sometimes.
2. Sigh No More - Mumford & Sons (Sigh No More)
I'm not a huge male vocal fan, but the first time I heard Little Lion Man on the radio, I knew I needed to find out more about the band and bought the album almost immediately.
3. Coming Around - A Fine Frenzy (Bomb in a Birdcage)
I'm always desperate for new female vocalist music. Somehow, somewhere (maybe on TV?) I saw the video for Blow Away and I was hooked. It has a pig in the video. The pig reminded me of Annie (as pigs are wont to do). I bought the album when it came out.
4. White Horse - Taylor Swift (Fearless)
Hmm, I didn't think I had this song active. I guess after I had to reinstall all my music when my hard drive crashed in the fall, I didn't quite edit my song lists the way I wanted to. Oh, well. I don't even like this song, but I DO like other songs on this album. (Should have added that to my guilty pleasures post.)
5. Everyone's a Hero - Captain Hammer (Doctor Horrible's Sing-Along Blog)
You have no idea how much I just squealed when this came on! If you don't know what Doctor Horrible's Sing-Along Blog is, you NEED TO SEE IT NOW. Because it's not enough to bash in heads, you've got to bash in minds!
6. I'm in Love - Meiko (The Bright Side)
This album was on repeat for 4 weeks from the day it came out in May until I needed to switch it up a little bit. I discovered Meiko from a Christmas song she had on a compilation and I fell head-over-heels in love with her music. This album itself is just fantastic.
7. On the Radio - Regina Spektor (Begin to Hope)
There was someone whose blog I used to follow that turned me on to Regina Spektor. She made a photo/video montage to one of the songs on this album and I loved it so much I looked up the artist. On the Radio is one of my favourites from this album. Regina Spektor is an amazing singer/songwriter. Vocals and piano are the way to my heart.
8. Circle the Drain - Katy Perry (Teenage Dream - The Complete Confection)
Turns out I like a lot of the songs on the latest Katy Perry album (as you can see it's on my sidebar as Currently Listening). I always give an album a bunch of listens before I deactivate the songs on it I might not like. Yes, I do that. This is one that I was originally going to uncheck, but it's grown on me and it breaks my heart because I'm pretty sure it explains what happened to Ms. Perry and her now ex-husband. Poor lady. :(
9. Path of Thorns - Sarah McLachlan (Mirrorball)
Oh, YAY! iTunes is being nice to me and playing the one song that started my love affair with Sarah McLachlan way back when I was 14! It has always been my dream to sing this song live. Next to Elsewhere, this is my second favourite song from Sarah McLachlan and the reason I have bought every album she's ever put out since. Of course this version of the song is a live performance, but still. I have the album BECAUSE SHE'S SARAH MCLACHLAN. Duh. I'm still waiting for the day I can meet t his woman and thank her for helping save my life through her music. Seriously.
10. Blue Farewell - Melissa McClelland (Stranded in Suburbia)
Oh, well, I almost had a perfect ten. It's not that I don't love this album, but I just don't particularly like this song and generally have it deactivated. (Which I am going to do now.) That being said Stranded in Suburbia is one of my top 10 favourite albums of all time AND Melissa McClelland is Canadian. Represent!And yes, I had these songs playing as I wrote up this post. Made it more fun and the music makes me more creative. Easier to dream with music playing.
Instagram Photo a Day
Photo a day August: Day 9 - Messy: I have books, bookmarks and paper EVERYWHERE! This is not an exaggeration. I'm lucky my husband doesn't leave me.