breakfast wars
So, Annie, who doesn't really get excited over anything other than food, was extra-excited about breakfast this morning. It wasn't any different than usual, and I'm actually up earlier today than I have been the last couple of weekends, but she was all bounding and spinning and leaping (which for her, is very, very rare).So of course in her bounding joy I end up with a knocked-over bowl of kibble. Her food is now all over the carpet. Jinx is suddenly there thinking, "Oh, boy! I can play, too!" and I'm trying to shoo him away lest he become part of the meal. I bring Jinx's bowl over to his spot by the back door and he looks at it, at me and wags his tail. "Just eat it!" I hiss as I scurry over to the carpet and try and pick up Annie's food.She was more than happy to be eating it all off of the carpet, actually. But I just felt bad that I was making my dog eat off the floor! The bowl is much more dignified! Plus some of it went under the couch. So I'm letting Annie eat the bulk of the food as I pick up the straggling pieces and finally put them in the bowl for her to finish (I even picked out the clumps of dog fur!).Meanwhile, Jinx is walking between me and his food bowl with this question-mark kind of wag. And I wander over to his food with him and say "What? You want your food all over the floor like this?" And I scoop up a handful and dump it on the floor next to his bowl.You'd think I had just given him prime rib. He wagged his tail really fast and did a spin! And then I can only describe this as pure doggy happiness started to eat the food on the floor and finally finished the remainder in his bowl.We have a heck of time getting Jinx to eat properly. He's the only dog I have ever known that takes one piece of food, chews, wanders around to see what other people are doing and then goes back and takes another piece of food. So if tossing it on the floor, because Annie's looked better that way gets him to eat in under 60 minutes, I am more than happy to comply.Ok, now I am going to have my tea and breakfast and I can assure you that it will not be eaten by ME if it falls all over the floor.