Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Season 8
Most people likely know this by now, but Joss Whedon has been continuing his Buffy the Vampire Slayer series through comics. Writing this post reminded me that I have the last two months comics waiting for me at Ye Olde Comic Book Shoppe downtown. I need to get there and pick them up. Anyhow, the comics are also put out in omnibus format so you can read about 5 of the comics at once and not have to wait a month between them (which, believe me, makes them very confusing).Buffy and friends are holed up in some castle in, what I think might be Scotland. Half the time I don't know where there are or what's going on or even who the heck is supposed to be speaking (remember how at the end of Buffy the TV show the Slayer power was distributed to all potential slayers around the world? Well there are a lot of them and many are drawn the same way!). Buffy seems to have clones, Xander seems to be in the role of Commander General or something, Willow is.. well, she looks like Willow which is nice, and Dawn is a giant. (But why she's a giant has yet to be totally revealed.)I don't know what I think about these comics. I have been getting them monthly (my first ever account with the comic books store!) and I have been reading them and occasionally enjoying them. But to be honest, I think they are just weird.They did do this one arc where Dracula came back and that was written in old school Buffy fashion. It was funny (Xander and Dracula are a hoot) and it was the least confusing of the arcs so far in my opinion.Where Joss Whedon and the comic creators plan to take this I don't know. I am not entirely sure how well sales are going, though I have a feeling it's not that bad - at least at the start. I don't know how many people are going to want to wade through all this weird confusing stuff and sexual experimentation (um, hi? Where the hell did that come from, Buffy?!) and such... at least without some idea of what's going to come out of it. I am not reading the Angel series in comic book format. It didn't interest me at all. But I am reading the Buffy one because Buffy has always been my one true love (the show, not the character ;)) since I was young(er).Although I do wonder how the heck these crazy kids (er, adults?) can afford to be jet setting all over the world to fight vampires. Who's funding all of this? Where are they getting the money? Do they moonlight as bank robbers? Do they pick pocket the vamps and demons they slay? I just don't get it. At the same time, I always wondered how Buffy could pay for the house and all those bills after her mother died on the show. It's not like any of them had real jobs - that they went to regularly enough to merit being payed anyhow. I suppose these things are not to be thought about very hard in terms of the show. After all, they were fighting copious amounts of demons and vampires and whatnots, so it's not like it was a true story or anything. But still, these aspects always bug me when I see how impossible it all is.I mean... THEY LIVE IN A CASTLE WITH A TON OF HIGH TECH DOOHICKIES AND COMPUTERS AND HELICOPTERS!!! Where did they get the money to afford all of that?? Buffy should only be in her early 20s and I don't recall her ever winning the lottery on the show. Gah!Linky goodness: