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Class of '89: Junior

Class of '89: Juniorby Linda A. Cooney

Four girls. Friendly, good-hearted Bets. Laurel, lonely and unsure. Micki, who tries to hard. And Page, who has it much too easy.Bets is throwing herself at every boy in school. She doesn't care about her reputation...much. Laurel wants to be with Jed all the time, but why is he making so many demands on her? Page has taken Micki's place as class leader. Micki's so jealous that she tries to ruin Page's one romance...and almost wrecks her own.Now that they're juniors, they want everything to go right. Aren't these supposed to be the best years of their lives? (transcribed from back of book)

I leave these books beside my bed in case I have trouble sleeping. I tend to read them a chapter at a time so it takes me a while even though they are super short books (by today's standards, anyhow). The farther I read into this series though, the more I think I never actually read all of the Class of '89 books when I was a kid. I KNOW I read (and re-read!) the Class of '88 books a lot, but I didn't recall much past the Freshman year of '89.I have to say I really don't seem to care much about the main characters in this series. I find them all very petty, self-involved and shallow. I also don't like the way the years of high school are so emphasized. Now that the class are Juniors they are all "Well, back when we were Sophomores, this person did that and that person did this". And if you think about the time frame they are referring too it's only a span of a few months. They make it sound like it was YEARS ago. Ugh. Is American high school really like this? Or did it used to be in the 80s?Bets and her throwing herself at every boy, was pretty much a make out fest with two boys over spring break. Yep. The summaries for these books are just so overdramatic it makes me laugh.I'm only reading these for nostalgia's sake and to be honest, this Class of '89 isn't working for me. Ionly have one book left though, so you know, it'll get finished this summer. One chapter at at time. Maybe I'll like these kids more the year they graduate? Maybe they'll have different priorities. All I know is that this series is not what the first one was to me!Class of ’89

  1. Freshman
  2. Sophomore
  3. Junior
  4. Senior