Beyond Elsewhere

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Shawn and I decided to sit down and watch something on Netflix last night. I've been out of sorts and can't seem to get interested it anything these days so when I saw that Netflix had a movie I thought would entertain me I decided to give it a go.We wandered downstairs to the basement, turned on the Wii, loaded up Netflix and picked our movie...Robin Hood: Men in TightsNow, I love this movie. Or at least, I thought I did. We both were fairly content with the choice because we have memories of side-splitting laughter and fun times.Only... the movie just didn't cut it. We snickered at some parts but for the most part we realized how dated the movie was, how early 1990's the jokes were and how this just wouldn't translate well to people today. (Reference to the Rodney King beating for instance - can you think of one person under the age of 25 who would get the "I hope someone's recording this!" line from that part of the film?) I can't believe that this came out 17 years ago. I remember watching it in the movie theatre with friends and cracking up to the point of not being able to breathe!Maybe you have to be in a certain  mood for Mel Brooks films? I don't know. It didn't seem earth shatteringly funny. It seemed juvenile and predictable. Which was sad because we both figured we'd be cracking up and having a grand old time watching the movie.I didn't hate the movie or anything this time around, I was just disappointed in it. Sometimes things you remember tend to be better in your memories than in real life.I thought this movie would make me laugh as much as when I rewatch The Princess Bride (it was on tv a couple of weeks ago and we caught the end of it and it ALWAYS makes me laugh!) Sadly, it doesn't seem to pass the test of time like the other one does. I am not sure I know why, I do know that Cary Elwes is awesome in this type of role. I always think he also stars in Top Secret but turns out that's Val Kilmer. Huh. I'm wondering if Top Secret would also fall flat if I watched it now or if it would make me laugh like The Princess Bride. These are movies I loved as a teen!I shall always have fond memories of you, Robin Hood: Men in Tights, but I do not think I need to own you like I always thought I would. Maybe if I see you in a bin for $2 or something I'll consider it, but for now I'm happy with having just watched you via my Wii on Netflix.(Side note: I was a little unhappy with Netflix Canada when Shawn signed us up because it had crap all for selection. Unless you loved cheesy, horrible zombie movies (which Shawn does). But the movie and tv selection has started to increase and there are actually things on there that I would actually watch. So I have slightly higher hopes for them. The icing on the cake would be if they got rights to all Disney media. THEN I would have stuff to watch!)