destruction chronicles - day 1 billionty

Well, it feels like it, anyhow. Today the hole isn't even gone, it's just bigger! Tonight's photos are a combo from yesterday and today.I was trying to get a decent shot of how much of our driveway has been  taken away. I'm standing on the top step of our front balcony, but it still doesn't really show how short our driveway is now.The city did say we wouldn't lose our tree, but by golly they came close! And you can see they have taken up 5 patio stones - not including the one they broke up originally. So six altogether. I think they are maybe 2 feet long each? (1.5 feet?). Do the math.Here's a better shot with the front wall of our house in it. What we have right now is enough for our car if our car was pulled up right to the brick wall. (If our car could get over the huge hole).The neighbours who share the drivway with us have a little more length, the ones beside them have less than we do.This is the other side (we share the lawn, not the driveway) and it's this odd semi-circle in the middle of their driveway with longer bits on the ends.This was from this morning. There were men putting down pipes in the hole. I was sort of hoping that this meant they would fill it in soon. The have started filling in the hole on the left, but people still cannot access their driveways. We're all still parked 1-2 blocks away. Which isn't a problem unless there's a monsoon-type rain storm like there was yesterday morning and your umbrella is IN THE CAR. My sweater was still dripping when I finished work. Ugh.And tonight.... well, the hole isn't filled in, but it's bigger now. Longer down the rest of the street. Sigh. (click to enlarge) I don't think this will be taken care of by the weekend. I could be surprised, but I am not going to hold my breath.I won't be able to take photos tomorrow night as I am going to a fancy-pants dinner for Convocation as it's my boss's last dinner as Dean. I even bought a pretty little dress today (photos will come if I can get one). It's sort of 1920's flapper-ish. I suppose I should make sure I get a photo because you all might like a break from all this construction crap. Well, you know what? So would I!!! Gah!


Blog Hijacked - Lauren Mechling


5 Questions: author Lesley Cowan (Something Wicked)