destruction chronicles - o canada
So I guess the construction guys are not taking Canada Day off today. Here's hoping they take tomorrow off instead because 6:45 comes very early in the morning when:a) you have the day offb) you have not slept well all night due to a nasal drip that has made you choke and cough all night and the upset your stomachc) BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!Shawn sleeps through it of course. -_-(Fun Fact for those of you who do know know the in's and out's of holidays in Canada: In Quebec you are not allowed to MOVE the June 24th holiday. So if it falls on a Wednesday you have to be CLOSED on the Wednesday. And it's against the law for anything to be open for business. Anything. But in Quebec you can move Canada Day, so if July 1 lands on a Tuesday you can close or take the Monday off. If it's a Wednesday it can be moved to the Friday, etc. And you can stay open for business because hey, it's JUST Canada. It's not important like Quebec provincial holidays are. I think it's stupid.)