destruction chronicles - oh, canada post
While the destruction continues on my street and the cross street, we are not getting our mail. Since May 27th we have had to drive to a postal outlet which is open Mon-Fri 9:00-5:00. You know, while we're at work? This place isn't too far from us though and Shawn has been able to pick up the mail so far. Today he goes to get the mail as I am expecting my passport to arrive and I know I have to sign for it. Shawn tells me this - the mailman brought a pick up slip for a parcel to the post office, but I have to go to ANOTHER branch to pick up the parcel.You know that slip you'd get in your mailbox if the postman knocked for you to sign something and you weren't home? Yeah, that slip. That is what was dropped off with our mail at the place near us. I still have to go much father away to pick up the actual item.Shawn said he looked at the woman quizzically ands she said "Yeah, I know it's stupid."The place we're picking up our mail at now is an actual Canada Post outlet/warehouse thing. Where our mail goes when we're not home is a branch in a Pharmacy much further away (it used to be just around the corner until the grocery store it was in closed).This makes no sense to me, but whatever. And as it turns out the slip has my name as Cat on it and therefore I am pretty sure it's a review book from a publisher and not my passport, which I believe will arrive on June 30 so we'll have to go through all of this again.Silly things.