doctor's note

Is it sad that I feel like I need an excuse to give my Wii Fit for not using it so far this week? I feel like I should hit up my local CLSC and get a note so that it won't judge me as harshly as it has been because it'll be a few days since I have used it.

Dear Wii Fit,Please excuse Cat from her daily workouts as she has one hell of a cold which has resulted in fever and now respiratory problems. She is not allowed to flail around on your balance board until further notice.Signed,A Doctor-type Person

The stupid Wii Fit judges you! It's horrible! All I want to do is play Rhythm Kung-Fu over and over and yet the Fit feels the need to mock me and my overweight, unbalancedness every time I turn it on! Hmmph.But none of that is going to happen right now. Monday I left work at noon with a fever and feeling like gravity was just pushing down on me with all its might. This morning I woke up, fever-free but I still felt really weary and then it got difficult to breathe. It feels like my left lung isn't taking in any air. It is a very uncomfortable feeling. For part of the day I had this weird seal-bark sounding cough, which seems to be less seal-barky now and more dry. But I can't really talk much without starting to hack. If I still have this pressure on my chest in the morning I guess I will actually drag myself to the CLSC and wait in a waiting room for hours only to be told I have a cold and to go back to work and have some soup or something. I don't think they'll give me a note to quell the wrath of my Wii.Actually, it seems that whenever Shawn and I go look at historical things we get sick. It happened in 2006 when we went to visit Upper Canada Village and we both ended up with The Plague of Yore. And now? We went to see old paintings at the museum on Sunday and I have some sort of respiratory/hacking thing. Since Shawn mentioned he was starting to feel the gravity push thing this morning I wouldn't be surprised if we both ended up with whatever the heck this is.In other news... at 4:50pm this afternoon the sky was just so pretty I stepped out the front door on to the porch to try and snap some shots.If I hadn't been in my pyjamas I would have wandered out into the street to get a better photo of the sky over the houses. But alas, I was in my jammies and was feeling like crap with messy hair, too! So I did what I could from my balcony.


Out of My Pocket #26


Cast in Secret