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Don't Judge a Girl by Her Cover

Don't Judge a Girl by Her Cover (Gallagher Girls, #3)by Ally CarterThis is me not buying books. Due to some personal financial suckyness I have a ban on buying anything that isn't needed (ie, mortgage, food, electricity, dog food, etc). However I was allowing myself ONE purchase this month because I had just read the first book of Holly Lisle's Moon & Sun series and I desperately wanted the second one. This is where you might be saying, "Um, Cat, this has nothing to do with Holly Lisle." and you would be right. It doesn't. This is what happens when you go to your preferred store thinking they have the book you want in stock and then get there and realized you read the information online incorrectly and you didn't feel like walking to the next store and you needed a book for a waiting room.So I picked up the latest Gallagher Girls book that was in paperback and I read it in about a day. I adore this series. I wish I didn't have to be a year behind everyone else as I REFUSE to spend the insane amount of money on the hard cover (in Canada) and I hate hard covers anyhow!Book 3 had a much more action-y feeling to it than the first two books. This time around we're not chasing around a crush, we're not breaking rules just to see a boy. There is a real threat here - the supposed kidnapping attempt of Macy, the Vice-Presidential candidate's daughter and fellow Gallagher Girl. The book starts off with a narrow escape and lots of injuries from a campaign in Boston and it just gets more mysterious from there.There is a whirlwind introduction and reunion with Cammie's long lost Aunt Abby and since I didn't think she would be sticking around after this book I wasn't too upset that I could not stand her character. I actually guessed that her character would be the bad guy, but I was wrong on that count. Either way, I have had enough of her for one series.The revelation at the end of the book made me kick myself for waiting a year for the trade paperback, so I will see if perhaps the University library has it in stock (the Education library that is) and on the very slim chance that my local library will have it (they are about 2-3 years behind in current English titles) I will borrow it and then buy it when it comes out next summer.This series is plain fun to read. It has action and mystery and humour and enjoyable characters and it doesn't hurt my head when I just want to escape my life for a while. I love the idea of a spy school for teenagers, I think it's original and clever. And so far the books have not let me down.The Gallagher Girls series

  1. I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You
  2. Cross my Heart and Hope to Spy
  3. Don't Judge a Girl by Her Cover
  4. Only the Good Spy Young
  5. Out of Sight, Out of Time 
  6. TBA -2013?