doormat trauma
About two weeks ago I bought this wonderful, happy, super-cool doormat at WalMart. I was so happy with it. I am very picky when it comes to Christmas decorations. They have to be just right. They have to speak to me in a way. I need to get this vibe from them that means they are mine. And this mat had all of that AND snowmen! I looooooove snowmen!I suppose I should have thought something would be up when I saw this...
Looks awfully suspicious, doesn't it? I thought I might be safe since its been a while since Jinx has eaten any of our stuff. He's nine months old now and pretty well behaved.Yeah, right.
This is what we came home to tonight. I have to admit it was a lot worse. The mat was smooched in a corner and bits of it were all over the kitchen. We had left Jinx out of his crate for the trip to the mall we had tonight. He'd been crated all day so we left him confined to the kitchen - which has proven to work for shot periods of time. So we didn't think anything of it.I was way too pissed off to take a photo of the total destruction. I was so mad. Jinx was crated when I got home and I let Shawn take care of him. Yes, it's petty. He's a puppy. These things happen. But now my mat is ruined. I have to face it upside down so that the eaten part is against the door so he doesn't chew it again (well, in theory). But this means that my SNOWMEN ARE UPSIDE DOWN!!! Do you even understand how awful that is?? Do you even know how WRONG that is??? I can't stand it!!The chances that WalMart will still have one of these left is slim. It was two weeks ago and now we're into December. Like I want to visit WalMart in freaking December! Like hell!! Plus this was like, a $20 purchase.. I don't have that kind of money to throw around!I am so sad and mad and just.. ARGH!Stupid puppy....