Dragon Seer
Dragon Seerby Janet McNaughtonHere's a random fact about me - I don't read the "About the Author" blurbs until after I finish a book. Sometimes I'll read the blurb about half-to-2/3s of the way through, but mostly I read the About when I am done to try and learn more about the person who created what I just read.Therefore I am often extra surprised and pleased to find that the author is Canadian. Especially when I adore a book as much as I did this one. (Or even Plain Kate!)I almost cried near the end of this novel. If it weren't for the extreme terror and anxiety I was feeling before my first ever Highland dance performance I probably would have cried. Luckily my body was too busy panicking about something else to really let emotion flow when it was going to. Heh.What can I say about this book... it was not what I was expecting in a very good way. I didn't realize that the group of people in this book were based on a real group of people in the 8th century. I like that this book had elements of history and mythology and fantasy woven together. It worked well.I loved the dragons. I sort of wish they were around more than they were but I get why they were scarce throughout the story. I loved Heather in particular and her snarky manner.Madoca makes mistakes and doesn't speak her mind when she should sometimes and yet when she does she isn't always listened too. Yes, this was a simple story but it was so well-told I fell in love with it in only a few chapters. There are relationships between characters that you can truly feel and there are scenes that will make your eyes moisten and you wish that it didn't have to happen like that.The ending was not at all what I thought was going to happen and that was one of the main reasons I felt the tears well up when I realized what was happening.There is even a little historical note from the author at then end, and as the note mentions it does contain some spoilers for the book so be like me and read it after you finish the story.This is one of my favourite books read this year. I am so very thankful to Harper Collins Canada for giving me the privilege of reviewing this book. I now have to go out and find more books by the author so I can delve back into her woven words as she tells a fantastic story.