Beyond Elsewhere

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driveway destruction chronicles - calm before the storm?

Well, it's been over a week and nothing has happened to the driveway or the road. Sure the loud truck that is checking people's sewage lines has been waking me up in the mornings, but other than that? Nada. I am sure it's only a matter of time before the city breaks out the heavy machinery. Until then I am going to enjoy the orange cone in my driveway and the asphalt on the street that doesn't have large holes in it.I thought my chronicles would be much more interesting than this to be honest. I guess things are just moving slowly which sort of makes me think my hunch of this lasting until AFTER October might just be right.In other news... my eyes are FINALLY starting to work properly. I still have some bad moments, but for the most part I can see! (Just not very far. Hmm. They'd better have gotten the prescription right because there is no way in hell that I am having the surgery done a second time!)