Beyond Elsewhere

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driveway destruction chronicles - day 4

Hmm, I suppose it isn't really Day 4 other than it's the 4th day that something has happened since I started writing about this (or since they have done anything). I guess I'll keep numbering these the days that something HAPPENS.So this morning we were rudely awakened at 7:30 by a loud truck and clanging noise. Our alarm goes off at 8:00 (yes, we are spoiled) and I hate being woken up before the alarm. Shawn fell back asleep and I didn't because I was lying there WAITING for more noise. But as I said to Shawn when we saw what awaited us when we looked out the window "I knew they were up to something! They were being suspiciously loudly quiet."This is what awaited us:

An open manhole with cones and some scary bear-trap looking device. I was concerned as to how we would get out of the driveway, but Shawn was wonderfully adept at maneuvering around the trap. And when the hell did all those dandy lions appear on my lawn?? They weren't there a day ago! Get off my lawn you fluffy buggers! *shakes broom at weeds*The funny thing was when we walked out to get in the car there was suddenly a construction guy there who told us to be careful of the manhole as if we wouldn't have noticed it! (It was the way he told us that made it sound that way). I know people can be out of it in the morning, but really! It would take a LOT to not notice an open hole with a bear trap in front of your driveway on a mainly sunny morning!I thought that was it for activity today, but when Shawn picked me up after my hair appointment this evening he said "We have a hole in our driveway." Ok. We already did. "No, a hole,where the cone is." I got all excited, "Oooh! I'll have to get my camera when we get home! I have to chronicle this!"  To which Shawn replied, "Of COURSE you do" with that tone that pretty much means he's just humouring me because he loves me and I know where he sleeps.Sure enough:

A hole! Next to the cone! Now the cone has a friend! And it's a deep hole, too!

See? Well, it's hard to see to be honest. I was trying to find the bottom of the hole with my flash (that sounds wrong...). But it's a big, deep hole in my driveway. They needed to get the little drain thingmee that's sticking up under the cone.Also, a construction dude stopped by the house while I was having my hair done and mentioned to Shawn that we hadn't made our appointment to have our own sewage pipes inspected. (We did get a letter about that last month and no, we did not phone). We don't plan on it, sure the city is allowing us, due to the upcoming construction , to have FREE evaluations of our pipes, but seeing as how I am sure none of these pipes have been changed since 1970 (whenever the house was built) I do not need to know that it's going to cost us a million dollars to have the pipes changed and our driveway dug up and then have our insurance company get wind of this and make us do it lest they stop insuring us. I'm fine with not knowing. I don't plan on living here long enough to have to care.BUT this construction dude also told Shawn the real work will be starting in 2 weeks. I guess the start of June? I am sort of happy about that because I will not be here next week in case of any exciting developments in destruction! I will be in NYC for the week (leaving the dogs in charge and hoping they'll remember to feed Shawn once in a while). What happens if something happens?? I'll have my camera! I wonder if Shawn will be wonderful enough to snap photos with his phone for me if something does happen? Hmm. I'll have to butter him up somehow (not with real butter lest Annie realize he's suddenly become delicious and eat him while I am away).In case anything happens between now and Friday, I've got it covered. If not? I'll only be back May 30.