Beyond Elsewhere

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Eleven On Top

Eleven on Topby Janet EvanovichOk, so I know I am way behind on the Stephanie Plum saga, but once I stopped working in bookstores I stopped having access to book borrowing and my mother wasn't buying books anymore... so I am behind. Luckily, as I was browsing my library shelves I realized, "Hey! I can catch up on the Evanovich books!" Woohoo! So what if they are already up to number fourteen? (And I can not believe there are 14 books in this series already! It doesn't seem like that long ago that One for the Money came out!)If you are at all familiar with this entertaining mystery series by Janet Evanovich, you'll know what I mean when I say "Same ol', same ol'", but in a GOOD way. Stephanie Plum, bounty hunter, has decided to give up the bounty hunting game for a safer and possibly more fulfilling job. A job where her car won't get blown up, she won't be shot at and no one will try to kill her. Finding another job isn't as easy as it looks. Sure, she keeps getting new jobs, but every one seems to end with her attempted demise. Oops.And I think she loses at least 2 cars in this book. Heh.I LOVE the humour in these books. I love the characters (I'm totally Team Ranger, though Team Morrelli does seem to have some potential) and I love the total chaos that seems to follow Stephanie around. She's still alive only because she has incredible luck for someone so unlucky. I found myself laughing out loud during some parts and just generally smiling throughout the entire easy read.There are no real boring parts in these books, though I have to admit I couldn't care less about her sister Val and her two kids and their troubles. I am also not a fan of her Grandma Mazur in large doses, but she was thankfully small dosed and funny in this one.Ironically, I had to check this book out in Large Print from my library because it was the only one not in stock when I went last week. ARGH! I tell you every book I went to look for last week was out. I even mean middles of series, not even the newest ones were GONE. I think it was a conspiracy. Luckily there was one copy in the Large Print section and I took it out. Ha! Take that Library Fates!When I go back next week (this week?) to exchange books I am grabbing Twelve Sharp and Lean Mean Thirteen since they are fast reads and I can get them at the same time to keep the flow.If you don't know about this series and you like mysteries written with an excellent sense of humour? Pick up the first few books:

You should also check out Janet Evanovich's website, which is maintained by her daughter Alex. It's fun and keeps you pretty up-to-date with all book news regarding the Stephanie Plum series. My mother also gets the newsletter (via snail mail) and that is always an entertaining read!I forgot how much I loved this series and it's a great way to tune out the stress of every day life. Once you see how often Stephanie Plum's cars get blown up you'll start thinking your own life isn't so bad after all...Stephanie Plum series

  1. One for the Money
  2. Two for the Dough
  3. Three to Get Deadly
  4. Four to Score
  5. High Five
  6. Hot Six
  7. Seven Up
  8. Hard Eight
  9. To the Nines
  10. Ten Big Ones
  11. Eleven on Top
  12. Twelve Sharp
  13. Lean Mean Thirteen
  14. Fearless Fourteen
  15. Finger Lickin’ Fifteen
  16. Sizzling Sixteen (JUNE 2010 – hard cover)

Stephanie Plum Between-the-Numbers Novellas

  1. Visions of Sugar Plums (between 8 & 9)
  2. Plum Lovin’ (between 12 & 13)
  3. Plum Lucky (between 13 & 14)
  4. Plum Spooky (between 14 & 15)