f--- you, sears
I have now officially crossed Sears off my list of places to buy things. They are a bunch of incompetent, lying fools and couldn't care less about their customers.Shawn phoned me from Sears after being there for about 45 minutes. "Hi, sweetie! You want to know what the problem with our air conditioner was?" "Yes!" I declared.THEY!LOST!IT!For the love of the gods, how useless is this company? Never mind that we were told different things each time we phoned, and we phoned a lot. Not one of these things, however, was "Well, we don't quite know what we did with it."Fucktards.Yes, I said it. I swore. They deserve it.They wouldn't refund our money ("The General Manager does not work on weekends and we do not have the authority to do that") though they did send Shawn away with a brand-spanking new a/c unit. And it's now in my bedroom waiting to be turned on. If I had my way we wouldn't have another Sears brand a/c unit, but they gave us a new one, same model, but something to take home so I might actually get some sleep tonight because the bedroom will hopefully be less than 94°F tonight.God, I hope so.So, hear me well, people, I am not the only one who has had trouble with Sears and their crock of a service agreement. My parents had trouble last year, too. Their appliance was gone for THREE months and they ended up having to go GET it from some warehouse in the middle of nowhere or it would have been even longer. Not to mention the times they've waited from 8AM to 4PM for a technician to arrive to fix something - AND THEY NEVER SHOWED UP! This has happened to my in-laws as well.Stay away from Sears and their greedy, money-grubbing, useless ways. It'll only make you angry and likely warm if you ever have them repair an air conditioning unit. Don't expect it to be available for the months when you might actually want to USE it.Bastards.