fall tv
I remember how excited I would get when I was a teen when we'd receive our Fall Preview TV Guide. My mum and I would keep that edition around and figure out what new Fall shows we wanted to watch! I loved reading about each show and looking at the photos for the casts to see who was in it (if I didn't recognize names, I'd recognize faces). When I moved out, I would make sure to stalk the stores to see when the Fall Preview TV Guide would be out. It wasn't long after the move that I noticed they weren't being done as often, and now, I don't even think there is a TV Guide printed in hard copy.I grew up without regular cable. In the townhouse area we lived in, there was one big satellite dish that pulled in whatever it could. We got all the major networks both Canadian and US, but no specialty channels. I wasn't able to watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer for its first two seasons. I started on Season 3 when I moved out and bought cable for the first time. (It wasn't that we didn't buy cable, it was that we couldn't in the complex we were in.) I remember being REALLY bummed about not being able to catch seasons 1 & 2 of Buffy.Before Shawn and I moved in together, and after my ex moved out, I had cancelled cable. I wasn't watching TV much anymore and it just wasn't worth it to pay for something I wasn't using. When Shawn moved in, we got it again. This past April we canceled it since we weren't watching TV anymore (again). At least I wasn't. Shawn would have it on in the background when he was on the computer, but once he got a laptop and joined me upstairs on the main floor, no one was in the basement where the TV was very often - except to watch news at dinner.Shows that I watched and liked, I could get online on the station sites. It was nice to be able to watch a show when we wanted (and no, we never did get a PVR, couldn't justify the price!).Lost Girl, Castle, (and occasionally) The Glades, were three shows that I could watch on the Canadian network sites. Thing is, we never even finished Castle last season and haven't watched more than one episode of the new season of The Glades.How I Met Your Mother, well, I am always a season behind. I get this on DVD from Shawn's best friend every Christmas. I won't even start to watch this season since I haven't seen last season yet. I will have seen it by the end of my Christmas break though. ;)I'm still watching Lost Girl every week and I love how campy and horrible the show is. It's Canadian, but a GOOD Canadian show. It fills the Buffy void nicely. It's even playing in the US now (I think?) though I am not sure what channel - SyFy maybe?I'm sort of at a loss for what's new this year. Unless I have seen someone mention a show on Facebook or Twitter, I just don't really know what's going to catch my interest. So far I have tried 3 new shows and I am on the fence about them.Ringer - While I was excited to see the return of Sarah Michelle Geller to the small screen, the promo for this show didn't do much to rock my socks. It looked predictable and over dramatic. After watching the pilot episode (of which I saw pretty much all of in the 3 minute previews online) I was proved right. It's badly written and acted and very much a cookie cutter soap opera/mystery. I gave it one more episode, but I can't say it's gotten any better. Will I continue to watch it? Probably, only because I can watch it for free on Global TV's site and since I am off work for 2 months I'll be looking for things to do. Do I think it will get better? Not a chance.New Girl - I really enjoy Zooey Deschanel and the preview looked funny. Thing is, the three minute preview I saw was pretty much exactly what the 23 minute pilot episode was. (What was up with the previews this year??) Zooey's character was a little too over the top for my liking though. She didn't seem to have any depth. This one was free on iTunes this week, so I was able to watch it as it's not on a Canadian station. It certainly made me laugh, but also, I was expecting most of the jokes since I'd seen them already. Will I continue to watch it? If it's still free on iTunes for the week it comes out, then yes. I will give it a couple more episodes to see how the characters evolve. If they don't, I don't know if I can continue. Do I think it will get better? I certainly hope so.Charlie's Angels - Here's a show I wasn't planning on watching at all. I don't think any old show that gets rebooted ever works out well. But, it was free on iTunes this week and I was bored. I am in so much pain these days that I can't even hold a book, so reading has been limited. I was looking for mindless entertainment. I was delighted to discover that the pilot episode was just as cheesy and campy as the ORIGINAL series, only with better clothes (sort of) and technology. I didn't think I would like it at all, but I was content after I watched it. It was just as bad (but a GOOD bad) as the old series. Will I continue to watch it? If iTunes continues to have it free the week it comes out, then YES! It's nice eye candy, murder mystery, actiony escape. Do I think it will get better? I don't know. I sort of like it the way it is. It sort of fills the void Charmed left with the watching the show just to see what sort of silly clothes the characters will be wearing and how they try to have us believe they can be action heroes in 6-inch heels and skirts so short you can almost see their hoohahs. hehA show I am looking forward to, but that does't start until near the end of October on CTV is, Grimm. I don't know if this will be any good or not, but the preview looked interesting enough. It might suck, who knows.One other thing I have started watching regularly is Doctor Who (warning, video starts as soon as you load the page. How annoying!) this season because we can watch it on Space online. I am slowly becoming a fan of the show. Although I liked a different Doctor (um, two before this one?) this guy is charming and I like his bow-tie.I don't really know what else is coming out. I know I refuse to watch the CW's Secret Circle because from the promos they have changed the books I loved COMPLETELY just to make it more like The Vampire Diaries, which pisses me off to no end. This trilogy of books that got me through my early teens is way too dear to my heart to watch the massacred attempt at a teen drama on the small screen. I am SO mad about this!The one other show that looks possibly interesting is Once Upon a Time but it also starts at the end of October and unless iTunes is all friendly with the free, weekly downloads, I won't be able to watch it since it's only on a US network. (Hey, both creepy fairy tale type shows are starting the same weekend! Coincidence? I think not!)I still am not watching enough tv to merit bringing back cable - especially since our income is greatly diminished due to this stupid strike. I don't know if I'll continue to watch many of these new shows for more than one or two episodes either. What I can get (legally) online I will make do with. Otherwise, I'll watch for season DVDs to go on sale. Plus, who knows how long any of these shows will last?What new shows are you watching and/or looking forward to? If you think I might like them, please let me know!