Far World Book 1 - CONTEST WINNER!
Today's the day I get to announce the winner of my very first contest on Beyond Books! How exciting! I thought I would try and do something fun for my first contest winner announcement - so I roped my dogs into the excitement!I originally thought I would let my lovely Annie help me out, since she's a huge fan of all things paper. Having her help me pick a name would be easy! She'll just gobble up the paper I offer her and the first one she pulls out will win! Only Annie had other plans. They involved running down to the basement in a panic when I presented her the paper and held up my camera. Ok, so on to Plan B. Jinx was highly interested in what I was doing, so book lovers, I present to you, Jinx Puppy, Contest Helper-Outer!
Here is Jinx and his copy of Far World: Water Keep. He looks slightly unsure of what might be expected from him, but willing to help out anyhow (hey, there was likely a treat in it for him when I was finished with that silly camera!)
First I wrote all the names out on paper. Those who commented on both posts got two entries. I had 16 in total. Not bad for my first time I think!
Next the names were carefully cut up and put into the Bowl of Mystery!
What? I had to make the presentation appealing to my Helper-Outer! This is actually Annie's bowl, but she was being a spoil-sport so Jinx got to reap the rewards!
After I had mixed up the names for a few seconds, Jinx carefully thought about the consequences of his decision. Would he be allowed to eat the name? Was paper really all that tasty? Annie certainly liked it so it couldn't be that bad, right? And paper used to be a tree and Jinx really loved to eat wood, so it was sort of the same, right? After a deep breath and a word from his Mummy ("Just take one, darnitall!") Jinx went for it!
Well, that wasn't very tasty at all! And I didn't let him eat it so he was sad. And that stupid leaf got stuck on the paper when he spit it out (he ate the leaf right after I took this shot. Guess it was closer to wood than the paper!)But wait! Who won! What name did my little Jinxy pull out of the Bowl of Mystery??
It was The Book Muncher!! Yay! Congrats! So, Book Muncher, please email me at funkiefaerie AT gmail.com with your mailing address, so that I might pass on this information to J. Scott Savage and he'll send you off your very own ARC of Far World Book 1: Water Keep!And what did Jinx think of this entire process?
He wasn't too impressed. And I forgot to give him a treat. Bad, me!Thanks to all who entered. This was really fun, and I have thank J. Scott Savage for the opportunity to run a contest as well as get to review his first YA book. I liked it a lot and will certainly be following the series as it comes out (5 books total!).