Beyond Elsewhere

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Imagine our surprise when we opened a bill this evening and saw that it was a huge amount compared to the usual. The note on the bill stated that a payment was missed.Apparently, I forgot to pay this bill last month. This perplexed me because I am so OCD about paying my bills on the day I get paid, that I was certain I had paid it. I quickly checked the bank account and, lo! There was no payment to this particular biller in February. I then went to our little filing cabinet (box) and looked through the bills to see why I would have missed it.There wasn't a bill for February!I guess the bill never made it to our mailbox? Normally I'm totally on top of this sort of thing and even if I don't have the bill I know what's due on which payday. The fact that I missed this one is really eating me up inside. I don't miss these things. I don't!This is  how I know that my week off next week is long overdue. I have had so much stress in my life in the last 2 years, my brain is just tired. I shall try not to kick myself too much over this one missed payment. Our credit rating won't collapse in dispair because of one missed payment. It's the principal of the matter though. I'm so fastidious about finances that I'm disappointed in myself for making a mistake.Oh, well. I immediately paid more than half of what was owed tonight and the rest will be paid on the 15th as per usual. The bill is now in the proper place for the To Be Paid bills to be and I shall include it when I pay the middle of the month payments next week.I know this is a lame-o blog post, but the post I was thinking about writing tonight got waylaid by my grumpiness over having missed that stupid bill payment.I'm just thankful our mortgage renewal/refinancing was already approved before I went and missed that one payment. I'm sure that would have put a wrench in the entire thing if it wasn't. (That's me being snarky, by the way, not serious.)If I was paid more at work, perhaps I could have just prepaid a bunch of months and not have had to worry about it. Or, maybe if my boss stopped tossing his dry cleaning at me to do, I'd have less stress on the job. Seriously. It's like he thinks I'm supposed to work for him or something. Rude.(I see you there. Yes I do! )