Beyond Elsewhere

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Fire Study

Fire Study (Study, #3)by Maria V. SnyderI have to say after devouring and adoring both Poison Study and Magic Study, I just did not feel the same way about this third book. Not that I don't highly recommend this entire series to fantasy lovers, because I so completely do! I just didn't get the same sort of feeling of enchantment with this book as I did with the other two.Fire Study has much more summarizing of the first two books than Magic Study did of the first. I found myself skimming through the first few chapters since I had just read books one and two days before. Whereas I still loved Yelena, I didn't quite care for the plot of the book as she embarks on her quests. I did like the addition of Moon Man and the horses, however I didn't like, nor quite follow the sudden distance between Moon Man and Yelena about three quarters of the way through. I get what the author was trying to imply happened, but I thought it rushed and sort of off-handed.We find out more about Yelena's powers and the people around her. There's a final battle of sorts at the end that I thought was fast and I had already predicted part of the story back in book 2! But, I found that the series was closed out well and if there are more books to come, I'd like to experience this world through other characters, like Valek, or one of the other students in the towers.What I do consistently love is the cover art for this series. Even just looking at the images I have in this blog I feel happy and get the urge to re-read the series - even having just read it last month! Of course I won't... just yet. I have a couple of other books that are vying for my attention and I should give them a chance. Even though their covers aren't as esthetically pleasing to me as these ones are. ;)