Beyond Elsewhere

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Fractured (Slated, #2)by Teri Terry

How do you know where to go when you don't remember where you came from?Kyla's memory has been erased,her personality wiped blank,her memories lost for ever.Or so she thought.Kyla shouldn't be able to remember anything. But she can - and she's beginning to realise that there are a lot of dark secrets locked away in her memories. When a mysterious man from her past comes back into her life, she thinks she's on her way to finding the truth. But the more she learns about her history, the more confusing her future becomes... (

I am at the point where I wish I could just update this blog telepathically. I compose numerous blog posts in my head as I am falling asleep - both about the books I have read and just random posts I should be posting on Beyond Elsewhere. Alas, I am just not around the computer as I am snuggling down into my pillow and drifting off to nightmare land (I don't dream. I epically night terror.) Reading, blogging and many other things are just tiny parts of my life right now. I can't seem to find enough time in the day for everything I want to do. I need to quit my job and become independently wealthy and that might help with my time management issues. ;)SO... Fractured is the sequel to Slated (which I adored). It's out in the UK now but not in North America until the fall (I think). I wasn't as OYMYGOSHBREATHEBREATHE with the sequel as I was the first book, but I did love it to pieces and I am very anxious for the final book which will pub some time in 2014. Gah!I felt like Slated was more sci-fi than dystopian when I read it, but Fractured feels more dystopian to me. You find out more about the world and the slating and the rebellion and revised history and whatnot. It's very conspiracy-ish and I am suspicious of everyone. People die. People vanish. Everyone is spied on. You can't trust anyone in this story and I love that in a book. I don't like knowing instantly who the bad guys are or how things are going to turn out. There were a few plot twists that surprised me as I read and that's what made me cackle with glee as I frantically turned the pages of this novel.It's been a while since a YA novel, especially one that's of a dystopian-slash-paranormal setting, really gripped me. I haven't been all that satisfied by YA novels lately. Everything I read seems so similar but this series managed to ensnare me and has me very excited for the final book to publish in 2014! Slated series

  1. Slated
  2. Fractured
  3. Shattered  - 2014