Gone Girl
Gone Girlby Gillian Flynn
On a warm summer morning in North Carthage, Missouri, it is Nick and Amy Dunne’s fifth wedding anniversary. Presents are being wrapped and reservations are being made when Nick’s clever and beautiful wife disappears from their rented McMansion on the Mississippi River. Husband-of-the-Year Nick isn’t doing himself any favors with cringe-worthy daydreams about the slope and shape of his wife’s head, but passages from Amy's diary reveal the alpha-girl perfectionist could have put anyone dangerously on edge . Under mounting pressure from the police and the media—as well as Amy’s fiercely doting parents—the town golden boy parades an endless series of lies, deceits, and inappropriate behavior. Nick is oddly evasive, and he’s definitely bitter—but is he really a killer?As the cops close in, every couple in town is soon wondering how well they know the one that they love. With his twin sister, Margo, at his side, Nick stands by his innocence. Trouble is, if Nick didn’t do it, where is that beautiful wife? And what was in that silvery gift box hidden in the back of her bedroom closet? (goodreads.com)
Holy beejeezus! So I picked up this book because so many people in the online course I am taking mentioned this as one of their current and/or last reads. It was so raved about that I had to see what it was all about. I even joked that we should make this an unofficial textbook for the class. :) One of my classmates mentioned that I should get the school work I wanted to do done first because once I started Gone Girl I wouldn't be able to put it down.You know what? She was right. I took a day off of work to focus on some research and instead, I had to finish this book because the few moments I'd be able to grab during the week, before I fell asleep, were not enough. I NEEDED TO READ MORE!If you're looking for a Fall/Halloween read then pick this book up. What you think is happening changes from chapter to chapter, from part to part. Once I'd gotten to the end of Part 1 I had to start Part 2 to see what was next. Then I couldn't stop reading because I NEEDED to know what Part 3 was all about.Then there was the ending.OH BOY THAT ENDING!This book will freak you the heck out. It's very psychological and it is fascinating to see how the story plays out. How things end up. I was completely enthralled by these characters. I couldn't believe what I was reading. My brain was a continuous loop of "Oh my gosh! I can't believe this person!" and "Oh my gosh, that person's mind is brilliant! Are there people like this in real life?" The more freaked out I was getting the more impressed I was becoming by the thought process.You forget that there's an author behind all of this who is actually creating the characters and the mystery itself. Should I be worried about the AUTHOR? ;) Should I be worried that there are people out there in the world that could be just like the characters in the book?Worried or fascinated? Impressed? Scared?So, yeah. Gone Girl knocked my socks off. It also pains me that I have neither the time nor money to spend on more books but I feel as though I need to read Gillian Flynn's other two novels, Sharp Objects and Dark Places while the leaves are changing and the days are getting shorter. She writes the perfect books for this time of year! I just don't know how I am going to be able to time manage everything right now. I do have to visit a bookstore as part of a class project (no, really! Even my husband is suspicious about this. heh) so maybe I'll casually wander from the MG section over to the adult fiction one and see what they might have in stock. *ahem*Many people seem to rant/rave about the ending of this novel. I, personally, feel that the ending was perfect for the story. Have you read this? What did you think of the ending? If you don't want to spoil it for others, feel free to email me. ;)(Yes, yet another post-dated blog post. This was the last book I read in September, so it has to appear in that month or my little OCD Angel gets all bitchy and needs medication.)