hello, october
I could have sworn I'd posted at least once in September. Apparently not. Guess I just thought about posting a lot.Well, it's October, so my blog is happily sporting it's Halloweeny frock.I'm also in the middle of merging my book blog back into my personal blog. As I rarely seem to post on either one, there's no point in my trying to manage two. It's going to be a long work-in-progress because I need to re-categorize and tag posts. Not to mention all the book links that will eventually be obsolete when they aren't pointing to the right place anymore!My gods, my hair has been three different colours since the style in my profile photo. I'd better get on updating that, too!So, I'm around. I'm just... busy? Exhausted? It's been difficult to find time to sit and jot down thoughts. Once I'm on the couch, my brain is just burnt out. I have been reading more than I was last year, but I also fall asleep pretty soon after I get home, if I'm not out exercising.Tomorrow a group of us from work are walk/running the Run for the Cure 5k. My plan is to blog about that after it happens. Probably next weekend because I'm pretty sure I'm just going to want to come home and sleep after this. ;)I suppose I'd blog more if I had something happy to blog about. It's been such a gloomy year that it's hard to find something not all doom and gloom to write about. Bah.