
I have had a draft post of Dark Passage sitting in my dashboard for over a week now. I have not read a book in 14 days. I have one that I need to review for Tuesday that I haven't even opened.I think I'm blogged out at the moment. I can't blog, read, sit still. Is it spring fever? Is is the fact that two weeks ago I *had* a fever and was so sick I couldn't do anything except cough and pray that the coughing would stop soon?I am filling my free time with Scramble with Friends, Draw Something, Words with Friends, taking photos on Instagram. I am having an affair with my iPhone and have left books and many other things behind.It's just a phase my brain is going through. I just don't feel like doing any of the things I enjoy doing on a regular basis. I'll come out of this eventually, but for now, my blog is feeling the brunt of the restless phase and I don't want you all to forget me.So, here's a photo collage of what it's like to try and take a photo of Sophie, my almost 2 year old, Finnish Lapphund. Almost every photo of her is a similar blurry mess. Oh, puppies.Oh, I'm also about 1500 posts BEHIND in my google reader. I'm also not reading blogs. I'm at the point where I think I'm going to suck it up and just mark all as read. Yikes.I miss you, Internet. We used to have something special.


40 years ain't nothin' to sniff at


Dark Mirror