i do not have dogs, i have body parts
It's true! The last three dogs I have lived with have all had a body-part nickname. Each dog has had one part of them that stood out the most and therefore were called as such.
[Kewpie (1992-2002): aka KewpieDoo, Kewpie T Doo ("T" stands for "the"), Kewpie-Face]Kewpie was so expressive with her face that we just all started to refer to her that way. She was a very anxious dog and would always be panting. She never really made a sound other than really loud pants. But it was her face that shone the most, and she always looked like she was smiling (ok, not in the above photo, but most of the time!)
[Annie (1998- ): aka Annabelle, Annabelly]Annie is a belly rub whore. When she first came to live with me every time Shawn would walk by her back leg would lift up for a belly rub. He could just wave his hand in her direction and that leg would lift. Ha! She is the first to flop over and request a belly rub by lethargically swatting you with her paw. She sleeps with her belly exposed to the world. Hence, Belly.
[Jinx (2005- ): aka Jinxy, Winxy, WinxyJinx, Billionaire Jinx Puppy]Not really the most graceful of dogs, Jinx smacks everything with his nose. If he wants attention he comes over and snuffles your leg by pressing his nose into you. Sarcastrix got a taste of that this weekend. I think he blew his nose on her leg. Oops. Sorry about that! He runs into everything nose-first and you will often see him walking around with something stuck it as he has to stick his nose into everything. We've found pine needles, fur, thread, crumbs, etc stuck to his nose at one point or another.So each Finnish Lapphund I have lived with in my life has been an individual. I'm glad they each had their own signature body part, I wonder what my next dog will be like? ;)