I love a Great Deal!

Look what I found in a bookstore on Thursday night! I promised I wouldn't buy any books, but when I saw this I couldn't resist. That $3.99 is actually part of the cover - the PUBLISHER priced it. And I thank that publisher very much. My library can't seem to keep this book in, or at least the last time it was supposed to be "in" no one could find it. I have been growing increasingly more frustrated trying to find the book each visit, so since I happened upon An Abundance of Katherines at a SPECIAL PRICE! How could I say no?I really enjoyed Looking for Alaska and was ready to move on to this novel, but my library has more English reading PEOPLE than English language books, so it's tough. And I really don't feel like spending money to RESERVE a book. I don't think that's fair.So, I bought it.Of course the next day I went out and bought some more books at a different store (the one I found this one in I had never been in before - yes, even though it is just down the street from my office for the last 7 years). My other purchases were: The Plain Janes, Anita Blake Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures Vol. 1 and Strangers in Death.I don't normally buy the JD Robb books either, I tend to borrow them from a friend, but I felt like buying this one. I needed a happy day since we've just had some pretty bad news this week. Ah, well. Some people have retail therapy for clothes I have it for books.None of these books fall into my RIP challenge (well, maybe the Anita Blake...) but they can go on my TBR pile. And for the first time that I can think of? I actually HAVE a TBR pile. I am so shocked! Aside from the four books I just mentioned buying here I have:

And now I really should catch up on my review posts, I have about 5 in draft form right now. Sigh. When everyone comes back to school my free time gets sucked up. Not that I had much to begin with! Darn administrative work!


The New Girl - Fear Street Book 1


Pandora's Daughter