I need a keeper

I need to make a rule. A new rule. One I will stick to.I CANNOT BUY ANYMORE BOOKS UNTIL I FINISH THE ONES I HAVE ALREADY BOUGHT!(I still have 1.5 left... currently reading What-the-Dickens.)It's like a sickness. Though I suppose I could be addicted to something much worse than books and I have to say I really don't feel guilty about spending money on a book. Not like when I buy clothes or shoes - which I don't buy all that often and really only when I need them.But books? Books are guilt-free, baby!Perhaps I should rethink that though? Some months I can spend close to $150 on books! (And I don't get expensive ones either.)I have a post in Draft mode right now about my Library Woes, and hope to finish it one day. Long story short, if I LIKE the book I NEED to OWN the book. Renting just doesn't do it for me.Ah, well, at least I have my weekends full of something other than painting and taking the dogs to the vet for their shots now, eh?COMING SOON: My review of Violet by Design (which I finished over a week ago) and What-the-Dickens (once I finish it, I'm almost done!).