i wonder if i can claim my dogs as dependants on my insurance?
Well, everything appears to be fine with my dogs. No fever, they aren't dehydrated, they aren't throwing up, their poop is more solid (I know you are all better people for knowing that) and they are full of energy.So, why did they just cost me close to $300 in a 45 minute period. Sigh.Really, to be honest, I have a great vet. He doesn't do anything that isn't necessary, but when you do need something it's expensive. It's just like if you had to buy meds without insuarance, you know? In this case I have two of everything. Lucky for me they charged me for a "group checkup" which was only $60. Otherwise it's $42 per dog, so I did save money there. The rest is medication to help with their tummies and deworming pills... [did I ever post about the tape worm mess up with the other vet? I can't remember and I can't find it in my archives...] When this vet - my regular vet - said that we should have done this earlier on both dogs at the same time, I very calmly said THAT'S WHAT WE WANTED TO DO MONTHS AGO BUT WERE TOLD NO. Argh.Anyhow, both my dogs are fine. I start them back on food in a few hours, and then it's only a quarter of a cup of food every 5 hours for the first day. We'll see how that settles. If it doesn't I'll call back the vet and we'll go from there. But we're both sure they are fine. Jinx especially. Boy has is energy come back. He's driving me crazy.And don't get me wrong when I complain about the money. My dogs are more than money to me. It just makes me grumpy when I have to pay out a bunch of money at once. Whether it's dogs or the car or anything. I love my dogs and I want to know what's wrong with them and I will do whatever needs to be done. Although it never fails when I finally pay off a big chunk on my credit card something comes up and I have to spend half of it. GRR!