In My Mailbox #42 - The Luck O'the Irish Edition

In My Mailbox is hosted by The Story Siren … and I end up adding a ton of books to my wish list every week.

All my IMM posts can be found here!

A lucky Irish THANK YOU goes out to Harper Collins Canada for these books. I was so surprised and delighted when I came home from work on Friday to find my one expected book multiplied like bunnies while in the mail to me and turned into FIVE books! *dances*Books received for review:

(all links go to Goodreads for more information on the titles)People mentioned:Erica of The Book CellarI don't get books for review very often but when I do I feel like I have won the lottery! These came at a lovely time when I am unable to buy new books right now. So, yay!


it's march! that means we must have found a dog!


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