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In My Mailbox #47 - The Montreal Book Blogger Meet Up Edition!

In My Mailbox is hosted by The Story Siren.

All my IMM posts can be found here!

People! Did you know that there are more than just a handful of book blogger in the Montreal area? Well! What started out as an innocent request to meet up with the 3 book bloggers I knew other than myself, escalated into a facebook group with 15 people! We decided to get together and discuss what we'd like to see in the Book community in Montreal and we had a great time! Almost all of us were in attendance, sadly two people couldn't make it, but still, a group of 13 people, all with books in a restaurant is a sight to see. Even our awesome waiter was impressed with us. ;)

Photo by pk

Front row L-R: pk @ aisle b, Cindy @ Cindy's Love of Books, ME!, Lisa @ Starmetal Oak Book Blog

Back Row L-R: Avis @ She Reads and Reads, Amanda @ Tales and Treats, Melissa @ YA Book Shelf, Jennifer @ Mrs Q: Book Addict, Cindy B. @ Tynga's Reviews, Lucy @ Moonlight Gleam's Bookshelf (who made the cutest name tags!), Donna @ Book Bound, Laura @ Library of Clean Reads, Tina @ Bookshipper (who happily ran the goup and kept things in order! Thanks, Tina!!)

Our awesome waiter took a multitude of photos for us in the end, he was really great!

In honour of our little get together some publishers sent a bunch of goodies to Tina for us. I'd like to send out a huge thank you to Simon & Schuster Canada, Harper Collins Canada, Random House Canada and Scholastic Canada (see a theme there?) In the photo above we're showing off our various spoils, be them from the pubs or from fellow bloggers who did book trades.

Please take a moment to check out our Facebook page (which we plan to keep updated with the various bookish events happening in and around Montreal) and our website for more information!

Lucy made some really sweet name tags, and I think we all loved them to pieces!

You did a really great job, Lucy! Thanks so much!

If you didn't feel like checking out the video here's a recap of what I got this week:

From Simon & Schuster Canada for review (surprise!):

From the Montreal Book Blogger Meet Up from amazingly sweet publishers:

  • Dark Souls - Paula Morris (Scholastic Canada)
  • Want to Go Private? - Sarah Darer Littman
  • a ton of nifty swag like bookmarks, lip gloss, post cards and paper dolls!

Bought while shopping with Tynga, Lucy & Melissa:

I realize that pretty much all I got was YA, and that's not all I read, but those are the books that caught my eye the most! I have bunch of books on order from Book and they should arrive in a week or so, I am so excited! (for example, I bought Ruined by Paula Morris since Dark Souls is its sequel. ;)Again, I'd like to thank the publishers for their support and generosity as well as my fellow Montreal-area bloggers who helped make this day possible!And just as a note - I killed the macbook I was using, so I had to use Windows Movie Maker - which I HATE! to edit this stupid video made with my camera.  The files were huge, of course and I had to scrunch it down to get it to a size tha YouTube would even consider, so I don't think the quality is all that fantab. My apologies... I don't think the mac will make it, as I dropped water on it and it won't even turn on now. We're going to take it in to see if it can be repaired, so until then I have a hardly-working computer to use at home and I am doing most of my web surfing through my iPhone. Blech.