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In My Mailbox #50 - The Thwarting my Arch Nemesis Edition!

In My Mailbox is hosted by The Story Siren.

All my IMM posts can be found here!

Welcome to my 50th In My Mailbox! I feel like this is some sort of fancy milestone and it amuses me that though I am only at 50 posts for IMM, Kristi herself is at her 100th IMM *VIDEO* and last week was her 150th IMM post. She's a rock star, yo!

So this week was crazy fun for me and the mail! I got a book for review, books I bought and a surprise box of books from a friend. I think this week was a lovely way to end my 2 month sick leave. I've got a book high going on!

For Review:



Various other paper products:

I've already devoured Touch of FrostThe Faerie Ring and Prized. Those links will bring you to my reviews if you haven't seen them already. (er, except for Prized, because I haven't written it yet.) All other book-related links go to Goodreads.I only got one bill this week, too! So I think that makes for a super excellent mailbox week - all stuff that makes me happy and nothing much that I have to dish out stupid money for. (I am so tired of the mortgage and utilities companies expecting me to pay them every month! Nags, the lot of 'em.)