in other news...

When we bought our 250lb-finger-eating BBQ yesterday I had some time to wander around the store as it was delivered from the back of the store to our car. I headed right for the shoe section in Zellers because I knew if I wanted spiffy rubber boots that's the place to go! And voila!Straight out of the kid's section, size 4. Wheee! (I don't know if I am happier about fitting into kids shoes or that they are black with polka dots...) As a girl who is constantly plagued by the paranoia that her feet look too big, this is a terrific moment in my life. :DAlso, while I was outside enjoying the sun and quiet of the early morning (until the stupid kids next door came into their backyard) I took some dog shots. Because my blog is incomplete without gratuitous Finnish Lapphund shots, right?

Am I not just completely adorable?



On the burner this summer


The Swan Kingdom