Beyond Elsewhere

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Ironside: A Modern Faery's Taleby Holly BlackOk, so it sadly took me almost a quarter of this book to realized that it tied in both Tithe and Valiant's characters. I never said I was the smartest reader out there, I just read a lot. I was reading the book and thought, "Hey, these characters seem familiar, why?"Sigh. I would like to say "In my defence my brain was trying to place them in Melissa Marr's Wicked Lovely world." but that just makes me seem less smart, too. Heh.[Caution, spoilers for both Tithe and Valiant in my summary, because it's sort of impossible not to. Sorry!]SO! In Ironside we rejoin Kate and Corny from Tithe and they end up meeting Luis and David from Valiant. Kate has decided that she wants to return the real Kate to her mother as she is not happy pretending to be someone she is not. It wasn't her fault she was a changeling, the Faeries switched her when she was a baby. At the same time Roiban, who had claimed the throne of the Dark Court at the end of Tithe was about to have his coronation. He tells Kate to stay away and to act like they are not in love or together, but Kate drinks a little too much wine and professes her loyalty to him. In order to accept Kate as his consort, Roiban must send her on a quest, to spare her and help keep her safe he chooses an impossible quest and until she can complete it she is not to see him ever.Meanwhile, Corny has a chip on his shoulder about being easily suceptible to Fey charm and has decided to harm as many of them as he can, this leads to him being cursed by a Faerie and no matter what he touches will wither and die. Corny hears of a boy with the True Sight who can remove faerie curses from mortals and with this information he and Kate find Luis and his brother who are hiding out in upstate New York.Ok, a lot of other stuff happens as it is and very action packed story and I don't think I disliked the ending. I did dislike Corny, though I never wrote my thoughts down about him in my semi-review of Tithe so I don't remember if I hated him there, too. I had forgotten that Kate was a changeling, and since I was trying to place her in Wicked Lovely, my memory of Tithe is foggy.There was nothing on this book that shouted "CONCLUSION!" but I felt things were pretty well wrapped up. If there are more I will certainly read them, because though I am still shocked by the swearing (not as much this time, however) I find Holly Black's books engaging and pleasant to read.