is it fair?
For the transit company to whole the entire city hostage while undergoing contract negotiations? Because they are pissed off about a ONE YEAR wage freeze? ONE YEAR? Do they care how much money we dole out to PAY for the PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION that is mostly SUCKY and yet one of our only means of GETTING AROUND?I'm all for fair and just negotiations, but hell. They make more that I do and I paid for my bus pass and yes, I have a lift most of the time and I am (un)lucky enough to travel during rush hour so I can partake of the limited transportation during the week. But really. This is stupid and UNFAIR. And although it is only DAY TWO, both sides have stated they are willing to let this going on as long as it takes.They were just on strike like, three years ago. And what did we get for that? A FIVE DOLLAR REBATE for the month that was lost. FIVE DOLLARS gets you ONE round trip ... TWO BUS TICKETS (not anymore, of course, because they upped that price). So It used to cost me $61 for my bus pass and they gave me back $5. Oh! Don't forget how just this past November they reduced the $65 pass by TWO BUCKS as another compensation for that strike. So really, we got SEVEN DOLLARS back from that entire ordeal. What saints.Fucktards.