it's a wonder we made it in alive

(Saturday evening photos will be up soon. I have a half-written draft post saved, I just ran out of time!)So there we were, driving to work. Waiting in the traffic to get over the bridge. And then I look to my right, through the window of the mini van beside us and lo! THE DRIVER WAS READING A FREAKIN' BOOK WHILE DRIVING!And not just a little book, no. It was a big honking, hard cover, bible-looking thing (only I don't think it was a bible). So he's there driving, right hand on the wheel and left hand holding the book up while READING and DRIVING.WHAT THE HELL??It's bad enough people text message while driving. Dude. Is everyone on crack but me?I made sure that Shawn managed to get a few cars between us and the van before we got to the bridge (where two lanes merged into one). I didn't want to be anywhere near that asshole.And it's not like it was bumper-to-bumper, fully stopped traffic. We were still driving at at least 30 km/h (almost 20mph for you americans =p).What an idiot. I am sad he didn't just swerve and fall off the bridge.


ok, so this is a week late. whatever!


let sleeping dogs lie