it's like watching a train wreck

I generally never talk about celebrity stuff on this blog. As much as I used to occasionally enjoy my trashy magazine reads while bored (US, In Touch) I don't pick them up anymore because it is always the same ol' same old. And quite frankly it's making me ill.

  • Paris Hilton - served 23 days in jail
  • Nicole Ritchie - served 82 minutes in jail, 35 of which were actually in a cell - a PRIVATE one
  • Lindsay Lohan - to spend one whole day in jail

Seriously? When is someone going to wise up and stand up to these trashy, useless, waste of space people? How can people just let them get away with all these DUIs and drug possession and whatnot and not DO anything? Are they just waiting for them to end up dead and that will solve the problems?Does anyone remember when celebrities were classy and respected? Or at least not such a joke. And does anyone remember when celebrities were celebrities because they actually DID something? Act! Sing! Not just be ditzy socialites who came from money? What the hell?I am so tired of hearing about Paris, Nicole, Lindsay and the crazyass Britney Spears. It's making me sick. You can't turn on the tv, open a newspaper or surf the internet without hearing about these people. And here I am adding to that. This will be the last you hear of it from me though.


The Deception of the Emerald Ring


Wicked Lovely (a.k.a.) I believe in Faeries