it's not easy being this cute
hullo, world! it's me jinx! it's been a while since i posted an update of all my puppy shenannigans, so i thought maybe i should do something about that. i have grown up a lot since the last time i said hullo, and i am such a big boy now!
when i first came to live here, i was smaller than the coffee table and couldn't reach the tv to change the channel... now i can reach the remote so i can get rid of stupid tv shows that insult my puppy intelligence! i like to watch smart shows like snoopy and scooby doo!
i can also see if there is anything good to eat on the table... only when mummy and daddy aren't looking though! if they see me they yell... i don't think that's very nice of them.
i mean, wouldn't you want to feed this face? wouldn't you like someone with this face get away with anything? of course you would! so please send emails to my mummy and daddy and explain that to them. ok? thanks!
[ps - i just dented the garbage pail with my head while playing with daddy! i ran right into it. i'm ok though, but now daddy doesn't want to play anymore... wuss!]