just how bad are some marriages?

I logged on to Facebook this morning and was met with this lovely reminder on the right side of my screen. My first thought was, "Ha! Facebook is trying to save marriages by reminding people 6 days in advance!" Then it occurred to me that FB also felt the need to remind me to whom I am married.I am going to assume that it does this for every one and not just because FB thinks I am some sort of spacey fool who has no memory capability. (Honestly, they wouldn't be far off thinking that, however it would be insulting.) Now, in assuming that it does this for everyone (who has the information in their profile of course) I have to wonder - how bad are some marriages that FB feels the need to not only remind people of the date but also of the PERSON they are married to? 0.OReally!Firstly, I don't need to be reminded of my anniversary date because I am a huge sap (so is my husband but don't tell him I told you that) and I will never forget the date we got married. It's not just because it's attached to a holiday weekend here (although, for those of you planning weddings who have lousy memories, I highly suggest picking a date close to a holiday ;)) but because I married the person that I love more than anything in the world! (Yes! Even more than vanilla cake with butter cream icing that my mother makes. That is LOVE people.) The date/weekend means something to us.Secondly, if you're in a marriage where you might find yourself wondering "Hey, does anyone know who my husband is? Because I have a wedding anniversary coming up, I know I do. I just feel like I am forgetting something." Well, then you have a problem with your marriage. Perhaps you shouldn't have gone off and gotten drunk in Vegas and married some shmo off the street. If you had a huge wedding with people everywhere and you still don't remember? Well then, I can't help you. I don't think you should be allowed out in public.I appreciate the help, Facebook, but I can assure you that Shawn and I have our wedding anniversary nicely in hand and we're on top of things. As long as it doesn't rain too much we'll be in the Old Port at the Pub we always eat at like every year. We love it. Wouldn't change it for the world.




The Throne of Fire