lawd help me

Even though the Gods are crazyEven though the stars are blindIf you show me real love, babyI'll show you mine.I can make it nice and naughtyBe your devil and your angel, toosomething something that rhymes with naughtysomething something you

You know what that is? Do you? Do you have any freakin' idea?? That is the latest forray into the entertainment world by Paris Hilton. She has a song. And I have heard it TWICE this week. TWICE. And it will not leave my head.And it pisses me off to the most ultimate level that I really think the first two lines of the chorus (see above) are good. GAH!Carry on while I stick hot pokers in my ears. Thank you.Seriously this is a true thing. You can see the video and listen to the song HERE.


i not trying to be cruel.. it's just that these people need to be stopped


because in a few weeks she's leaving me forever