<i>le meow, le mew, le meow, le... PEW!</i>
HOW TO SPEND QUALITY TIME WITH YOUR HUSBANDWake up at 4AM and realize that hubby has not come to bed yet. Not unusual as generally he wanders up between 3:00 and 4:00 since he only gets home around one in the morning. Get out of bed, shuffle to the bathroom. Contemplate checking on husband and decide not to and shuffle back to bed. Snuggle under the covers for about 15 seconds and then suddenly smell skunk. Oh, no! The dogs! You think. But then fall back into the sleepy feeling since it always smells like skunk in the middle of the night these days, everything is probably fine. Start to actually fall back asleep and then get woken up by husband and a cowering, gagging dog. "Honey, I need your help, something is wrong with Jinx. He's frothing at the mouth!"And so he was. Click on bedroom light, find pink, Tinkerbell nightgown (hey, it makes me look pretty!) and pull it over your head and then grope around for glasses. Run back downstairs with husband and still cowering pup and sit in the middle of the empty living room slash dining room floor with a paper-towel trying to see in Jinx's mouth. Realize, as the skunk smell gets worse that your darling little puppy has been sprayed. Thank goodness, you think absently, that we still don't have ANY furniture for this room! Heaven forbid that you would have to clean all those couches, throw rugs and dining room chairs!You find the dog shampoo bottle, which of course has about a tablespoon of shampoo left in the bottom and have the husband carry the cowering fur-bag up the stairs to the bathroom where you hop into the jacuzzi-type tub and start the water. Husband tosses the dog into the bathtub and you start to spray him down with water and use the tiny bit of shampoo you have left. In desperation you pick up your bottle of Johnson & Johnson's No More Tears baby shampoo (hey, it makes my hair shiny and soft!) and squirt about half the bottle onto the dog.Scrub. Scrub. Scrub. Stop trying to get away! Scrub. Scrub. Rince. Scrub.Finally Jinx smells much more like baby shampoo and much less like Pepe LePew. Thank goodness! You pull off the soggy nighty and say you're going back to bed. Of course by this time your stupid stomach has decided that the shock of being woken up to skunky dog is too much and you need to be sick and in pain for a while. Whee. Finally crawl back into bed after leaving messages for various people at work at five in the morning letting them know you will most likely be late due to skunked doggy. Toss and turn for 2 hours and give up trying to sleep since the sheets reek of skunk. The ENTIRE house smells like the stupid skunk up and died somewhere under a counter. Ugh.Husband stays up with dog to make sure he's not too sick or injured. When you come downstairs after seven you check on the drying, yet remarkably less stinky Jinx who wants nothing but to snuggle you because he thinks he's been bad. Poor puppy. His chin and chest still smell skunky. Husband will be washing him again when he gets back from driving you to work. Walk over and give your eldest dog, Annie, a big ol' huggle and kiss and the recoil in horror as you realize that her head is exceptionally skunky. Oh, GREAT! She obviously got caught in the spray (which looks to have been almost right by the back door! The skunk must have been behind the BBQ!) and neither you nor hubby noticed in all the commotion with Jinx! Also, Annie's head wasn't wet when she came in, she didn't even fuss. Realize that Annie never even scratched when she had fleas, either. Nor did she fuss after her surgery with the stitches or wound. She wouldn't do anything to let you know something was wrong. Either she doesn't notice or she doesn't care.So now you have two skunky dogs, all your clothes, sheets, walls, floors, all smell of skunk. One you and the husband get in the car, thinking that you can finally escape the smell, you both sniff. Great, you both smell like skunk (even after a 45 minute shower and soaking your hands in warm water and bleach!) and it follows you all the way to work. And even though you had planned to wear the awesome red heels to work today, with a skirt... like hell! So jeans it is. Along with the new black top and the heels came to work in a bag.Husband goes back home, hopefully to buy tomato juice and wash the dogs some more and you end up sitting at your desk constantly smelling and tasting skunk.So even though your husband is on night shift, you still managed to spend some quality time with him and in the bathtub to boot! Nothing says "romance" like bathing your skunky puppy in the middle of the night!