
Well, hello there! I know it seems like Finnegan has taken over my blog (and yes, today's video is late) but every once in a while I like to remind you that I blog here, too!This has been a week. What a week! Started off with a trip to the ER because my mother-in-law fell on ice and fell unconscious (that was a fun way to spend a Sunday afternoon and evening!) and then work was tough and Thursday I woke up feeling like I had been hit by a wall. My head was throbbing (sympathy concussion?), throat was burning and I was nauseous like crazy. I went into work anyhow hoping that my feeling like crap in the morning was just "feeling like crap in the morning" like you do sometimes. Only I got worse. My father was going to meet me for lunch and I was supposed to go to trivia night, but when my father phoned I said I was going home when he got to work. He then came to work, took the bus with me all the way back to the south shore only to get back on the bus and go back downtown. He just wanted to make sure I got home ok since I was so miserable. He wasted bus tickets for me! That is love. I then slept all afternoon (4+ hours) got up for a couple of hours to make a Finnegan video (and eat) and then slept again until Friday morning.I woke up and aside from the headache, felt wonderful!Then getting home was an ordeal last night... I left work later than normal since a friend of mine's children were coming into town and I wanted to see them, plus Shawn had a shin-dig to go to so I knew the dogs would be taken care of. I was hoping to catch my last rush hour bus at 6:05. At 5:50 I was the 3rd person in the bus line and ready to get home. Only my stomach flopped and I had to rush from the bus depot up to the mall to try and find a bathroom. It just hit me and I felt miserable, only to get up to the bathrooms and see the woman's one was CLOSED FOR CLEANING! GAH! So I rushed to a ticket counter and asked where the next closest bathrooms were. Upstairs. Ok, so I rushed upstairs only to find a locked door and sign that said it was for the building employees only. ARGH! I couldn't get on the bus feeling like I was and the next mall over was too far to go. So I sat near the bathroom and waited for it to be cleaned while taking deep breaths. Of course I missed my bus, I had to take off my winter coat because I was sweating like crazy indoors. I just wanted to cry.After the bathrooming was taken care of I got on a different bus that would take me over the bridge but I'd have to transfer to my local bus to get home. Of course there was a 2o minute wait for my bus. Ugh. I might have cried a little. I just wanted to get home.I finally got home about 7:15 and texted Shawn to let him know I was finally home. I let the dogs out and walked into the kitchen trying to figure out what I felt like eating when I saw a sign on the stove, "Your dinner awaits you in the fridge." Hmm? Opened up the fridge to find another note "A dinner fit for a Pook. Steak, mashed potatoes and beans". Shawn made me dinner before he left tonight. BBQ steak (done perfectly!), mashed potatoes with sweet potato and green beans. I was so happy to see that I cried some more.I finished off the rosee wine I had left (it was one glass exactly) and ate my dinner while watching Weeds. Shawn didn't get home too late so it was nice to have him back in the house since I was wallowing in misery. But at least I had a happy full stomach!The men in my life spoil me and I feel so loved!


2011 Debut Author Challenge (YA/MG)


Virtual Advent - 2010