Moon Spun

Moon Spun (Unbidden Magic, #3)by Marilee Brothers

Junior's back from Mexico with his movie-star entourage. Beck's using his half-demon charms to "heal" a new girl. Mom's still wacky and now she's dating Principal Hostetler. High school is still an obstacle course of drama queens, bullies and nutjobs. The Trimarks are still a menace, and the moonstone pendant has revealed even more mind-boggling powers. In other words, Allie Emerson's life as the Girl Voted Least Likely To Save The World From Evil has gone from Weird to Super-Charged Super-Weird, and it's about to get even weirder. You're a faery princess. So says the mysterious Ryker, whose handsome talents include turning himself into a hawk. By the way, he and Allie are destined to marry. In faery land--Boundless. If they can save it from forces even more deadly than Trimarks and high school. (

Ok, so... wait.. what?? This book just totally veered sharp-left and went way out into the field. Am I even reading the same series? See, I didn't read the summary for the book because I didn't want to be spoiled, and I wasn't going to even mention what threw me to not spoil every one else.. but it's there in the summary. It's THERE.But that still doesn't mean it makes sense!I have loved this series (even though I'd only read two books) and I went gung-ho into this one because I wanted more and the book started out with awesome hilarity and poufy dress/underwear incident which made me giggle like a little kid. It was all going well. Only Beck was out of the picture suddenly and so sadly was his twin sister Nicole (my ill-imagined Snookie look alike). Junior was possibly back in the picture and then suddenly not and there was this new guy - Ryker. He claims that Allie is meant to be his mate.For the record I hated him.What I loved about this series, the originality, the fact that this was some sort of mystical society, gypsy magic sort of thing and the fact that Allie didn't have ever male in tarnation fawning all over her like all those other books out there... it all went out the window in this book!Now there are three guys fighting over Allie. Ugh.But most of all...Faery Princess? FOR REALS?Hell, no.Where the hell did that come from? And spending the entire novel in Boundless. Really? What?? REALLY? Where did this come from? Was it just one of those "How should I explain these powers" moments where the author was all "Well, I have all these different paranormal ideas, so I'll just write them down on pieces of paper and stick them in a hat and the first one I pull out will be what I write the third book about! Yay!"Because that is totally what it felt like. Not once in either of the first two books was anything fae even mentioned! Yes, I still loved Allie 100% throughout this book because she stayed true to her character, but everything else was so bizarre! It's like I walked into a different series starring the same main character.It's like switching main character POVs for the fourth book in a series you have grown to love and enjoy.I read the book with both bewilderment and amusement. My brain was warring with the decision of liking or not liking this installment. I think I am still on the fence about that but mostly because I'm so shell shocked from the turn the story took. I wasn't expecting that at all.The good news (?) is that this isn't the final book at all. It can't be, the ending was left very open so I am sure there will be a fourth book on the horizon. You can be sure that I will be picking that book up and getting to the bottom of this plot mystery! I can't even begin to imagine what will happen next since this third book went in such a crazy direction. I'm absolutely mystified by this series now and I NEED more. STAT!(Good heavens! I had only to watch the trailer for this book and I wouldn't have been so bloody shocked. I don't particularly like book trailers so I didn't watch it.. but I think it's pretty obvious by the still photo of the video what was going to happen. Duh, Cat!)Unbidden Magic

  1. Moonstone
  2. Moon Rise
  3. Moon Spun
  4. ???? TBC?? There had better be one!

The Candidates


Moon Rise