Beyond Elsewhere

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non-jogging update

Things I wasn't expecting when I decided this might be a good time of year to start training myself to run:1) The return of winter. (Seriously, what is UP with this weather? I am tired of ice pellets falling on my head and cold wind that blows me over!)and2) A new medication that has helped my body with running, just not in the feet area. I was so intestinally unstable the last week there was no way in hell I was doing anything faster than a shuffle with my feet.I am not as light as I used to be, but I am still tiny enough that strong winds tend to knock me around. I am not at all interested in trying to get my piddly 5 minutes of jogging in while pushing into the wind. Or being poured on by rain and ice in large amounts. I'm sorry. I'm not making excuses but darn it! I have enough trouble trying to do this in calm, clear, warmer weather. I am not comfortable at all trying to jog in whatever crap Mother Nature has been spitting at us over the last week.Never mind we take Jinx out with us for these jaunts. He's not even been getting  his walks much with the weather. When we have gone out it's been the very short route because it's been cold, windy and wet. A wet Finnish Lapphund is not a happy Finnish Lapphund.Also, these stupid anti-migraine pills my doctor wanted me to start taking (twice daily) have waged war upon my digestive system. I'm a week into the first two weeks and I am finally starting to feel better. I have to double my dosage by next weekend and I am certain that these side effects will come back. As much as I had to run to the bathroom this past week, it wasn't running in the running form. Any bouncy type activity was not helpful!And here I am with a 4-day weekend. Today is supposed to be sunny, yet cool and it doesn't seem to be too windy. I'll be singing at Good Friday mass later this afternoon. Will I attempt my jogging before or after I don't know. I think I'll play it by ear. The following two days are filled with RAIN. This makes not only jog training abysmal but it also makes getting the winter tires changed at my in-laws' abysmal (which will be Sunday). Monday looks to be sunny and nice again and the rest of the week - RAIN.April showers..blah..blah, May flowers..blah... I don't care! I want a bunch of nice days in a row so that we can be out there running! I want to get more jogging in before my medication increases and the only running I will be doing will be to the bathroom! Ugh.My intention is not to become a fair-weather jogger. ;) But I have to say I am not all that interested in doing something difficult in acclimate weather.In the meanwhile, I have not let the weather deter me too much from practicing to drive. At least that's something.