Beyond Elsewhere

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ok, so about this disguised guy on the plane

I don't talk/blog/care about most current events. I don't watch the news (it depresses me), I don't read the paper (well, I like the comics) and I don't follow or care about politics, religion or any of that stuff.But this current news story about the young Asian man who got on a flight from Hong Kong to Vancouver while wearing a disguise is really bothering me. I don't know why, it's not as though I fear for my safety or anything. Maybe it's because the mask the guy was wearing sort of reminds me of my grandfather's brother. Put a smaller nose on the guy and un-mush the side of his face that's all mushed and you have someone from my grandfather's family!I am under the impression Hong Kong is highly secure so how this guy could make it through a billion check points and get on the plane is beyond me. I would imagine there was some sort of inside job thing going on.But what really gets me is this - rather than arresting him and sending him back, we can't do any of that because he requested refugee status and in Canada the second you do that - GOLD! You're untouchable!What the hell?! I may not agree with how strict security in the US is all the time, but I don't think they would allow something like this to be done. They'd be all over him for terrorism and throw him in jail and send him back to to face the repercussions in his own country!Why is Canada so lax on the important things? This makes no sense. We've pretty much just informed any person who wants to sneak into our Country  - do it! We'll welcome you in with open arms the second you want refugee status! Rather than treat you for the criminal act you just pulled we'll feed you, house you and give you health care! Come one! Come all! Canada is an immigrant Utopia! Feel free to kill, pillage and plunder while here! It's an open bar as far as criminal acts go! Wheeeeeee!!I don't get why we'd even allow this guy to request refugee status after doing something so completely illegal to gain access to the country. It boggles my mind.Also in the "so stupid" category is the fact that this guy removed the disguise while on the plane! Of COURSE the people sitting next to you would realize that you left as an old white man and came back as a young Asian guy! For the love of god, you're not even a smart criminal! Unless that was his plan? So that he could file for refugee status right away and not have to risk waiting in lines and going through the proper channels?I'm upset with my Country right now. It's not about immigration it's about the fact that someone just did something so stupidly illegal and is allowed to have that ignored just because they asked for refugee status! No other country would allow this to go unpunished! I really, truly hope my Country isn't stupid enough to grant the status. Sadly, I think they will be.What the hell, Canada! We don't have to be all polite and accommodating all the time! Criminals deserve to be PUNISHED not rewarded.