One of many reasons I shouldn't have Book Blogs in my RSS feeds...

Over on Teen Book Review I was intrigued by the book under "Currently Reading", Violet by Design. When I looked it up I found out it was actually the second book in a series. So I plunked both books into my Wish List over on did I know that the hubby* and I would be out near a bookstore today and since I was in desperate need of books to read I went in search of Violet on the Runway. I couldn't remember the author's name of course (Melissa Walker) but once I looked up the title I knew right where to go. Apparently I don't get down to the end of the alphabet in the YA section all that often, because I walked away with not one, but FOUR books.When I was paying for the books and was asked by the cashier if I had found everything I was looking for, well! I told him I had to put things back because I needed to buy things like groceries so I could eat! Heehee! I found way more than I could possibly have afforded** and have since added MORE to my wishlist, though I was able to remove the Violet on the Runway title. ;)* Hubby is currently chugging down the Rachel Morgan series by Kim Harrison. He's on book 5 of 6 and has been reading them since last week!** Oh, to actually have a library that has English books around... sigh.[I don't know what has suddenly started happening with my photos but lately when I resize things they come out all pixilated and crappy, but I haven't done ANYTHING different than before and it's driving me crazy. So I would like to apologize for the crappy quality of my photos lately.]